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White Marigolds

Written by Zazuki Chaney | February 18, 2025 3:11:33 AM Z

Tagetes erecta nana ‘Kilimanjaro White’

Marigolds are a cheerful and popular annual, for good reason. They’re easy to grow and bloom nonstop up until frost, and they even have insecticidal properties that make them welcome companions to fruit and vegetable plantings.

Typically, marigolds are found in shades of bright orange and yellow. I tend to aim for a white and pink color scheme in my home garden for a consistent palette, and this variety of African Marigold, ‘Kilimanjaro White’, is a lovely cream color that complements a wide variety of other flowers. 

To sow, press marigold seeds into the soil and lightly cover, keeping damp until germination. 

Hardiness Zone 3-10
Height 18”
Width 12”
Type Annual
Pests Rabbit and deer resistant
Sun requirements Full sun